Few can boast 50 years of experience in our field. Actually, in 1962 we began, as real pioneers, such as A.G.I. (Industrial Rubber Products) of Rapetti Luciano, to promote and sell corrosion resistant plastic special pumps, built by an outside workshop with the only polymer then known: PVC. In 1965, with the birth of A.G.I. POMPE S.r.l., we started manufacturing on our own centrifugal and diaphragm pumps, corrosion resistant and self-priming, made of high quality polypropylene, exclusively for mechanical processing of pressed products. Thereafter we started also with the production of self-priming and reversible peristaltic pumps. A few years later, beside this activity, began the exclusive sale of new portable drum pumps in polypropylene, PVDF and stainless steel: the easiest and secure system for the transfer of corrosive liquids, acids and solvents. In 1996, after more than 30 years, this prestigious industrial sector closes because of the competition with low price molded products and AGI POMPE S.r.l. becomes a commercial enterprise, a "trading company", which is able to provide, as a dealership or exclusive distributor, pumps for special applications either for the transfer or for processes where it is necessary to vehiculate dangerous products: corrosive fluids and acids, solvents and flammable liquids, viscous resins or abrasive compounds. From 2014, with the entry into the Teknofluor group, AGI POMPE S.r.l. specializes in providing high technology products for the industrial sector, also thanks to the commercial synergy with other brands of the group: "Espango - peristaltic pumps" and "Teknofluor - rubber and plastic industrial gaskets."